Abstracts must be submitted within May 9th 2015. Revisions will only be accepted until the abstract submission deadline. Papers will be selected by the Technical Program Committee based upon technical content. Authors will be notified by the end of June 2015 regarding the status of their paper by e-mail. Notifications are sent only to the corresponding author.
Abstracts MUST be prepared using instructions and format described in this file. The abstracts can be submitted ONLY via the MyICSCRM account. The only accepted format is Acrobat PDF. Please do not password protect your PDF files. After submission, you will receive a confirmation email.
Extended abstracts have to be submitted under one of the following topics:
A limited number of late news abstracts will be accepted for poster presentation at the conference. The percentage of abstracts selected for late news presentation will depend on the number of submissions, but selection will certainly be more rigorous than for regular abstracts. The same submission guidelines (template, topics,…) apply for the late news abstracts as for the regular abstracts, but each presenting author may only submit one late news abstract. The late news abstract submission will be open at the beginning of July. The deadline for late news abstract submission is August 5th, 2015. The corresponding authors will be notified by the end of August 2015 regarding the status of their late news paper by e-mail.
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